Saturday 28 February 2009

The Back Passage!

Oh No!

Whilst researching and photographing the 'scrapes' I have found a rear entrance!
It's about a metre and a half away from the first earth-works and seems to confirm that a sett is under construction!
Still not seen Badge yet- obviously keeping different hours!

There is No Step 3...

Once the Badger is in and made a Sett then they are protected and we cannot interfere with its path to and from its home!

"Offences; Interfering with a badger sett by damaging, destroying, obstructing, causing a dog to enter a sett, disturbing an occupied sett - either by intent or by negligence.
Enforcement and Penalties;Where there are reasonable grounds for suspicion that there is an offence, a constable may without warrant stop and search any person or vehicle involved, and seize anything which may be evidence.
A Person convicted of an offence or offences under the terms of the Act is liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months per offence, and or a fine not exceeding level 5 (approx £5000)."
The Protection of Badgers Act 1992 (c.51)

Who Knew!

I have been doing some research, I wanted to be sure it was Badge and not some genetically modified mole at work. However the Wikipedia example of a badger scrape is indistinguishable from the forty or so on our lawn!

Furthermore... the scrapes are caused by the badgers looking for worms and insect larvae that are just below the surface of the grass.

"Some Lawns are more likely to support a significant insect larvae burden than others, and this is often determined by the condition of the lawn. Lawns in good condition, particularly if they are well drained and free from moss, are less likely to suffer."
The Badger Trust.

Apparently there is nothing that insect larvae love better than moss, weeds and unkempt grass. Basically we have unwittingly created a perfect 'badger banquet' with our lack-lustre lawn care!
Oh for the benefit of fore-sight.
I would have ordered very high fences and raked and spiked the lawn as though my life depended on it! Slack gardeners of the British Isles be aware!

Thursday 26 February 2009

Bumps in the night!!

Our Badger is not subtle!
When it used to troll along the top of the bank, about level with the top of Big Boy's head as he was having his alfresco cig, it would not turn a hair or even exchange a glance- it truly was King of the Hill!

In the dark of the night, as I sneak to the back of the Garage to try and catch it about its nightly activities all I can hear is loud crashing and crunching from the bushes on the bank.

It is so loud that I half expect a large tramp to fall out swearing loudly and rolling off to another location!

But it's him ( or her?). Not subtle and I have seen too many cheesy horror movies to hang about, I leave it to its noisy excavations.

In the morning we see that some large plant pots have been knocked over. Perhaps Badge was looking for juicy slugs ( there are loads by the pots) I hope he/she did not find our damp friendly frog that winters near there!

I photograph the scene of crime and replace the pots!

How did we not hear that?

It is weird to think we have a Lodger who it entirely nocturnal and somehow we are both as 'busy as bees' and co-existing! For now!

Jimmy the cat is still ok!

Apparently soon Badgers like to all simultaneously give birth! I might have to google!

What to do when the Badgers move in...Step 1

Well it is actually Step 2 ( Step 1 involved lots of marching across grass and treading tufts back in and swearing- not pretty!)!

Step 1(2) get up early in Morning and take pictures of damage to prove it has really happened.

Get onto the computer- first search Spring watch,

'Kate Humble here now!' Or better still ,'Simon King pitch your tent at the bottom of my garden and I will show you a thing or too!'

But Spring watch is still in 2008 cycle and has not caught up on the seismic happenings in our area.

Badgers have their own website though. Their own Trust (though there's no money in it after the recent bank crisis)!

I decide to use the 'Enquiries' portal- though this was not really a polite enquiry more like a primal scream for help!

help! we have always had a badger travelling through our property and have been aware of this for some years, however the night before last there was major activity and now the lawn near the bank is trashed with lots of small scrapes and there is a huge hole being dug in the bank! The photos do not do justice. We have seen the badger briefly and can hear it crashing around in the bushes- not subtle! What should we expect next..?
Is my cat going to be ok?
What can we do to help?
Should it be moving in? we live in a very urban area you can hear the M60 and there are flats behind us!
Could you help me with advice?

A nice man called Keith mailed back...


Firstly, there is no danger to your cats, the only
way there would be an issue would be if a cat were to go down inside a badger sett where a
female badgers had cubs and defended them. If you are happy for the badgers to remain, try providing small amounts of food for them, such as dried dog / cat food or bird peanuts scattered near to the sett. This may reduce the amount of digging for food that is carried out.
Hope this helps.

Meanwhile excavations have progressed!

This is War!

Ok so if you have read my girlfriendnotpartner blog you will know that...the badgers have moved in!

Last friday excavation started!

There was an initial hole but what caught our attention was the mess they have made of the patch of grass we lovingly called a lawn!
This is war!